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Pieces of a Story

About Tifanei


I once sat in a window-less

room in downtown Boston.


Outside was frigid—a chill that could pick apart the marrow of your bones, but inside was warm. 


A woman, about twenty years older than me, with kind and concerned eyes, laid her pen down and quietly said, “I can tell you are eclectic, intelligent; someone with many different interests and skills.”


Do you know I smiled the brightest I had in months?


“Yes,” I tried to temper my amusement. I felt seen.


This woman was affirming for me that not only was I more than my burgeoning career, but evidently so. Inherent in her words was a message that all aspects of me should be nurtured and witnessed. I received her subtle message and still regularly let it saunter over me.


None of us are merely one note—we are all symphonies. 


The first time I learned I can

read into the energetic stories of other people was while in bed with a new love.


We were lying still in the dark, surrounded by the dramatics of candle lights, listening to our breaths in the silence of the room. 


With my eyes closed, I began to see images flashing in my mind’s eye with such a nagging persistence that I finally stated out loud what I was seeing.


His reaction startled me. It turns out that by touching him in a relaxed and receptive state, I was connecting to his energetic records and learning things about him that I could not otherwise know.


Later, when I became attuned to Reiki, I learned it was not just him. I could receive messages about many other people without touching them at all, but by similarly being still and receptive. I could taste, hear, see, and even feel what other people were experiencing, as well as receive messages about what they were going through and recommendations on how to come out of it. This is the basis for my current offerings.


I recently told my friend that spiritual gifts, which some call “supernatural,” “psychic,” or “mystical,” feel just as ordinary as water, as a breeze, or as laughter to me. I have come to believe most of us have some version of this within ourselves and family lineages. 


I truly love being a part of your journey as you discover, harness, build, and explore your own natural gifts.


Thank you for being on this journey with me.

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For the last decade, I have worked
as a civil rights lawyer,


representing people who have experienced injustice. I developed an expertise in legal rights to mental health care, the impact of over-incarceration and dangerous jail conditions on communities, the psychological effects of prolonged surveillance and state violence on people of color, and the results of targeted policing on activists. 


Much of my motivation to do this work came from the violent ways my family experienced the mental health and criminal justice systems in the United States.


My experience as a civil rights attorney has been rich with colorful stories and many difficult lessons about our lives in this society.


What I have learned most from my legal career is that: at the root of all of our suffering is a desire to belong, to be safe, and to be loved. 


I have come to believe there is no part of the legal system that can truly meet our basic human needs—but that is a longer story for another day. 

I was raised in many different cities

throughout the United States and Europe. I loved it.


I grew up with near constant change: new schools, new people, new houses and apartments, new languages, and new experiences. 


To keep me grounded, I had my immediate family as my constant, my foundation, my support. I still do.


As an adult, I continue to travel as often as I can. I still relish new beginnings and meeting new people. When I am in the United States, you can likely find me creating in New Orleans, Louisiana, or visiting my birth place in Sacramento, California, or visiting Ohio to spend time with my immediate family.

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